a patient suffering with bruxism

Can I Have Dental Implants If I Have Bruxism?

Tooth grinding and clenching (bruxism) is a common condition, and often the habit is nocturnal. Unfortunately, if you clench or grind your teeth, it can place terrific pressure on your natural teeth, your gums and your jaws. Some people with severe bruxism will wear down their teeth to little more than stumps or may even lose them as a result of this problem. If you are missing teeth and have considered dental implants in Ajax to replace them, it is essential to check that you don’t suffer from bruxism. However, having bruxism doesn’t necessarily mean you cannot have dental implants, but it is critical to consider the potential effect on this treatment.

How Can Bruxism Affect Dental Implants?
Dental implant surgery in Whitby relies on the dental implants integrating well with the surrounding bone, a process called osseointegration and where new bone cells grow on and around the post holding it firmly in place. During osseointegration, dental implant posts cannot move as any unwanted movements could affect the process, increasing the risk of implant failure. Also, natural teeth are held in tooth sockets with periodontal ligaments which are stretchy pieces of tissue that are more resilient to pressure compared with dental implants that are fused directly to the jawbone.

When you have dental implants, and you have untreated bruxism, there’s a risk that repeated clenching and grinding will eventually destroy the dental implant, potentially leading to its failure. When people continually clench and grind their teeth, they are exercising the muscles used when you bite or chew food and consequently can develop a greater maximum bite force compared with people who don’t have bruxism. Obviously, it’s important to make sure that any problems with clenching and grinding will not affect any dental implants in Pickering.

How Is Bruxism Treated?
Usually, bruxism in Newcastle is successfully treated with a custom-made night splint made from acrylic and which fits comfortably over the upper or lower teeth. The night splint prevents the teeth from contacting, spreading any grinding stresses over the entire arch and reducing any pressure on dental implants. Also, it may be worth considering why you have bruxism as sometimes it can be stress-related. Trying to reduce stress or any anxieties in your life may be useful, and it can be helpful just to be more mindful during the daytime. For example, if you find you are clenching your jaw, actively try to relax, making sure your jaw is in the proper position. Other things to try might include avoiding caffeinated coffee or tea after dinner and alcohol in the evening.

Choosing Dental Implants That Are Suitable for People with Bruxism
While having bruxism can complicate dental implant treatment in Clarington, it is frequently still possible to have this innovative treatment. Using a night splint and making sure your implant is designed correctly can reduce the excessive forces created when you clench and grind your teeth. There are also specific materials that are suitable when treating people with bruxism.

For example, zirconia is a material that is extremely strong and durable, and it looks fantastic too, creating incredibly lifelike restorations. The material comes in several different forms and can be suitable for people with bruxism. This is because although zirconia is incredibly strong, it is designed not to harm your opposing teeth, a fact that is very important if you clench and grind your teeth!

Often there is a good solution for people who have bruxism and who would like to have dental implants in Courtice. If you are suffering from tooth loss and think you might have bruxism, it’s worth scheduling a free consultation with us here at Durham Dental Solutions. Our dental implant dentists have a wealth of experience and can recommend suitable options based on your specific requirements.

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