An overdenture is a denture supported by dental implants. There are two types: upper or lower jaw.
Two to four dental implants support a lower denture. The more dental implants are used, the more stable the denture will be and the less movement it will experience.
The analogy we often use to compare things is the legs on a table. If you had four legs, the table would be very sturdy. If you lose a leg, then that table will start to wobble. The same thing happens with dental implants and a denture. It can definitely work with two dental implants; however, it can still have movement in the back area.
A two-implant overdenture places the dental implants in the front part of the jaw.
Implant Overdenture with two dental implants
If you add a third dental implant in the middle and spread out the remaining two further back, the denture will be even more stable!
Three dental implants snap in the denture.
The best option is four dental implants to support a denture so that it is stable. It’s like having all the legs on a table!
Four dental implants to support a snap-in denture
If you use five or more dental implants in the lower jaw, you can get rid of your denture! We can place permanent teeth that are fixed in place. The upper jaw is a different story, as it requires six dental implants for a permanent fixed bridge.
In summary, dental implants are great for denture retention, and the more implants there are, the more support your denture will gain. With enough dental implants, we can transition from removable appliances to fixed permanent teeth!
For your free dental implant consultation at one of our locations, call us today at 905-697-1118
Dr. Mark Bishara